How Can Chiropractic Care Help You?
Chiropractic care is the practice of using spinal alignment to alleviate a wide variety of physical ailments, including muscle strain, neck pain, chronic back pain, and more. This is accomplished by adjusting the position of the spinal column to its proper shape, providing a non-invasive solution for pain relief.

Three-Phase Approach
Are you tired of feeling sick and tired? Follow our proven system and unleash your body’s health and healing potential. “The Path to Wellness” is a three-phased approach that is based completely on these natural laws for optimal health:
- Release Phase.
- Rebuild and Reshaping Phase.
- Wellness Phase
Call us today at (818) 345-4924 to see how The Path to Wellness can help you and your family.
Chiropractic doctors go through a minimum of four years of schooling at a chiropractic college, generally preceded by an undergraduate degree in the basic sciences or several years of experience in a prior relevant health care field.
Students of chiropractic care must spend a minimum of at least 4,200 hours with their teacher, and a minimum of 1,000 hours of fully supervised clinical training with an instructor as they learn the appropriate diagnosis and treatment techniques to help heal your body and restore it to its natural, fully functioning state.
At Family Wellness, A Chiropractic Group our chiropractic team is ready to meet with you to discuss your needs. We will help to design a program that is right for you. We look forward to meeting you.